Transforming Lives,

One Paw at a Time.

Our mission is to rescue, rehabilitate, and give our senior dogs, in desperate need, a loving last home. We have witnessed remarkable transformations, turning serious cases of neglect and abuse into heartwarming stories of hope and recovery.

Each Barkee we save is a testament to the compassion and commitment of our supporters. Together, we are making a tangible difference, ensuring that every dog gets a second chance at life, no matter how dire their circumstances, and no matter their age. Join us in our journey to continue changing lives, one paw at a time.

Fang aka Bolt, June 2023

Rescued from Baldwin Park, this sweet precious darling is 16 years old and is blind and deaf. He has been in the shelter 2 times after his original dump. He has a splenic tumor and decreased blood count. He had to have emergency dental surgery to remove remaining teeth, like his fangs in the front and to fix two VERY LARGE oronasal fistulas. These occur with dental disease and create a hole above the teeth into the sinus. When he came here, he was unable to eat; everything that went in, he sneezed right out as it immediately went from mouth into his nose. Our vet said one of the fistulas was one of the worse she had ever seen. We consider him hospice. He is weak but getting the utmost TLC.

Poodella, aka Lily, Kiki, January 2023

Rescued from Downey Shelter. She had a massive mammary tumor and 3 other smaller ones. Her coat was disgusting and she looked like she had licked herself constantly and sat in urine for some time before she came to us. Unfortunately, when we ran her blood work her liver values were off the chart.  For three days,  she was curled up in her Xpen,  not interested in eating, interacting with human or fur people at all. She did take food by hand. On the 3rd morning, she had a seizure, and off we went to the vet again. They observed her all day and no additional seizures. She did have a repeat of her liver values test and both values had come down somewhat, but nothing anywhere near to normal. We brought her home and that night she wanted to engage with all of us. There is always one poodle to rule them all.  She has had her dental and the rest of the mammary tumors removal.

Squeaky aka Spider, June, 2023

This old, very skinny dude looked like death walking. He was so fragile, we were afraid when we picked him up. But a min-pin has an attitude and it has stood him well. He is definitely hospice. We thought we had lost him in the very beginning when he had diarrhea but an overnight stay at the vet and IV medicine has helped along. He is an intrepid traveler and walks the Barkee back yard. He loves to snuggle and we will provide love and care for him until he decides it’s time to go.